Feb 25, 2022Liked by Chloe Riley

Really enjoyed this one, Chloe. So many thought-provoking lines. "...invented future of your mind is always better...color the world with abandon...doesn't worry about what shows up on the page...fear of searching for the wrong thing is almost paralyzing...more interesting when I stop pretending I have the answers..." I have some of these small treasures in the top drawer of my dresser. Perhaps I should pull them out and see what they say. Thanks, Chloe!

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Feb 25, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022Liked by Chloe Riley

Many whimsical yet significant notes where touched by the texture of this episode. From the knowledge that you too had a baptism to the undercurrent of one's deep identity. Do these treasures from our past have a life of their own? Makes me ponder. Thank you for the mini-journey into creative mind wandering.

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