Mar 11, 2022Liked by Chloe Riley

I feel compelled by this episode to write this line or two about my Grandma Ruth: She was the embodiment of compassion. Her crystal blue eyes were like prized marbles. The kind you put up to your eye and try to see the sunlight through the sphere of glass. When she looked at me and smiled, the crystal and the blue sparked and lit me up with joy. Her smile made me know that I was safe and loved and seen. With a heart as big as life itself, she helped me see myself and believe in possibility. Thank you for this moment to reflect on her.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Chloe Riley

I love that the narrator's grandmother reminded her on her way to Oxford that "second is good too." It reminds me of my freshman year in college when my mom called me and I started rattling off all my grades -- an A on this, an A- on that. There was a pause as I was waiting for her to praise me, but instead she said, "Yes, but, are you having any fun?"

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